Hunsberger Elementary School Is Full You can register for next year 2025-2026
Current Locations: Huffaker Hunsberger Lenz
Judy's Kidz Story
Judy started an after school program from her home back in the 1980's. It grew quickly expanding to Anderson Elementary School. Not long after she was able to further grow the program into our current schools - Huffaker, Hunsberger and Lenz. Judy was very active in the Junior League of Reno, building the Wilbur D. May Museum and the park. She raised three daughters Zena, Angelina and Danielle. Although Judy is now retired, and a full time grandma, you can often find her visiting the schools delivering supplies and talking with the kids.
Any child enrolled at Huffaker, Hunsberger or Lenz Kinder through 5th grade can attend our before and after school program and any child between the ages of 5 (kinder or incoming kinder) and 13, from any school, can attend our camps. We offer camps during the fall, spring and summer break. All of our schools LOVE playing card games and each school organizes games of soccer, baseball, capture the flag, kickball, etc. We believe in a work hard play hard environment where the kids and the employees love coming to the program and making a difference in each others lives. The kids can enjoy free play indoor and outdoor (weather permitting), art projects, legos, play with castles, dinosaurs, board games, ghost in the graveyard, silent ball, freeze dance, etc. We welcome learning new games and work with the kids to teach them respect with adults, each other and how to be a great sport.
Our staff is required to do all state trainings, CPR and First Aid and state Background checks. They spend time shadowing Supervisors before they start working on their own. We feel the best way to learn is by engaging and hands on experience. We ensure the staff we hire loves children and understands safety and fun are our top priorities. Almost half our staff is past Judy's kids. We feel that says something about our program. Every morning and afternoon we clean and sanitize the area we use as well as the school district cleans throughout the day.
Although the state ratio is 1:20 we always strive to run the program 1:13. In these current times we have struggled, like everyone else, to find staff to keep the program running and our ratio's at 1:13. We will always work to meet these goals, and love when you pass on our name to anyone qualified and looking for a job.
We understand that some parents can always use a little help to pay for our program. We work with the Children's Cabinet and For Kids Foundation to help support tuition. If you are in need of assistance please click on the links below and apply. If you are interested in donating to either of these organizations please click on the link below - you will be helping several families in our program. It takes a village to make it work and helping each other is a worthwhile endeavor. Judy's will also accept donations for families. We never give away your name but pass on a thanks once the money has been donated.
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"We love Judy's. My kids enjoy the students and staff. They go out of their way to form relationships with the kids and parents. It has been a tough few years and they have continued to provide consistent quality care among all of the restrictions. As working parents we are very thankful."— Aly B.
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"Being a mom is hard and being a working mom is even harder. I have two boys and they are my world, and I thought my world was going to collapse when the boys started kindergarten. That worry came and went very quickly when I met Judy and her team. All my questions of concern were answered, and I felt welcomed and supported. Here I am four years later, and the service is still amazing. I have one drop off and one pick-up at a safe and fun environment, a mom’s dream come true. The program is well balanced with learning and play time. The boys are helped with their homework, they play sports, do STEM activities, and listen to and play music. When we get home, there is little to no homework left, they are happy, and we have plenty of time to spend together. Judy’s Kidz go beyond my expectations, and I couldn’t be more grateful for the service the team provides."— Teresa T.
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"Judy's Kidz Klub is an absolute lifesaver. Both of my children have been in Judy's for years attending the before and after school programs allowing my wife and I to grow our careers. We recently moved and during the house hunting process, we looked specifically in areas that had schools affiliated with Judy's Kidz Klub."— John H.
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My daughter has been going to Judyz’s Kidz Klub since Kindergarten. She is now in 4th grade. It has been a great program through even the toughest times. My daughter loves going and always feels welcome and engaged. We have appreciated the constant communication and effortless processes Judy’s has put in place for the parents. We are very grateful for the consistency and support this program has offered us over the last several years and thankful to the hard work of the staff who has kept it going before, during and after covid.”— Stacy E.
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“My son travels to Reno each summer to visit family. While he is there he joins the summer camp. He has made lots of friends and gets him out and moving around during the day doing fun activities. He looks forward to his summer camp experiences each year.”— Sandy K.
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“My daughter loved Judy's. She attended full time all through elementary school. She got to spend her day with her friends and loved when she was older and got to be a Junior Leader and help with the younger kids. Now she is in high school and after soccer season ends she plans on working for Judy's. It is great to know my child had such a great experience that she is considering making it her job.”— Misty C.